I began to think about how to measure someone’s digital aptitude. I often hear people over 35 saying, “oh I don’t know how to do that Tweety thing” or “how do I get the photo on my phone off of there?” I think there is a correlation between your Digital Quotient and your personal brand. Your resistance to using digital tools may cause others to view your personal brand as older that you actually are or worse, not relevant. And let me be the first to say your digital age has NOTHING to do with your chronological age. I know 90-year olds who are tweeting and Snapchatting their hearts out.

How do you know where you fall on the spectrum? Well I began to think that there must be some kind of quotient for your digital aptitude. There is IQ for intelligence and EQ for emotional intelligence and with a little bit of research on Google I found a very unscientific quiz that I will share with you at the end of this post.

First let’s explore the topic a bit. Let’s face it whether you are 18 or 80 the ability to understand and use technology both at work and in your everyday life is an essential part of how the world sees you, how you see the world, and your ability to connect.

Before you take that quiz, here are some thought provoking questions I want to pose. These questions aren’t the quiz:

  • Do you type on your phone with your index finger or your thumbs?
  • Can you walk and text at the same time? Try to master the thumbs and the walking and typing thing, all the kids can do it and you should too.

Here is the quiz I found. Put aside about 5-8 minutes for this 40 question quiz.

Share your scores in the comments below.